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Sunday, 28 May 2017

Now is the Time to Vote Labour - 10 Great reasons!

Now is the Time to Vote Labour - Great reasons to Vote Labour
We know #Conservative rule hurts communities. We also know that under #Labour, people will have a #WelfareState that PROTECTS the vunerable in society.

On 8 June, there are many great reasons to vote Labour. Here are just a few that will make a real difference to to ordinary peoples lives.

1. Real #investment in #skills and #training.
Labour will grow our #economy, investing in skills and infrastructure through a national investment bank

2. Under Labour, #WorkWillPay
Labour will eradicate insecure #ZeroHoursContracts. The Labour Party will ensure that nobody earns less than £10 per hour.

3. Only Labour can be trusted with our NHS
Labour will stop the pay cuts to #NHSstaff. No more will #nurses be so #poor that they turn to #foodbanks. Labour will halt the cuts to A&E services.

4. A better chance of a better home
The average home to buy now costs almost 8 times the average salary. Only Labour will ensure that renting is affordable, and that #OneMillionNewHomes will be built, #council and private, over the next five years.

5. The best #education for ALL our #children
Conservative plans for grammar and free schools are elitist and a waste of resources. Labour will stop the #EducationCuts, keep class sizes under 30 and ensure our youngest children have a nutritious #FreeSchoolMeal.

6. #PublicTransport that supports our communities
Only Labour will end chaotic and costly #RailPrivatisation and support communities to run their own bus services.

7. A stronger voice for YOU
Labour will provide a decent #WelfareState that PROTECTS the vunerable in society. Modernise #TradeUnionLaws and ensure that #unions can negotiate collectively on behalf of some of the most vulnerable workers. Labour will remove the punishing Tory tribunal fees that have denied justice to so many at work.

8. A stronger Britain in the world
Labour will pursue the trading arrangements our economy needs – access to the single market, and barrier-free trade. Labour will honour the rights of the three million EU workers here already, and defend the rights of the million or so UK workers in the European Union - EU. Only Labour will target the bad bosses who #exploit #MigrantWorkers, drive down wages and destroy community cohesion.

9. Affordable, responsible energy under Labour
Labour will invest in new forms of #energy to tackle climate change, create the well-paid decent jobs of tomorrow – and keep #EnergyBills low.

10. A fix for our #BrokenEconomy
Under the Tories, UK #LivingStandards have slumped. Among EU economies, only Greece has suffered a harder hit. Labour will tackle the low wage, low skill economy the Tories have created, to build a stronger economy that works for the many, not the few.

On 8 June Respect For the Unemployed & Benefit Claimants urges you to vote for the party that will build the best future for all, not the few.


Thursday, June 8th is the most important campaigning day of the whole election. It is the day we knock on doors to get out the Labour vote. It is the day our efforts on the doorstep will win or lose the election.

If you don't do anything else, pledge some time on June 8th. We'll be in touch a few days before with advice on what you can do and where you'll be useful.

Watch the
#video #LiarLiar & then download track - its 99p we will make them listen #GE2017

On 8 June,